Cultivating space for healing, community, and conscious conversation.

Sharing space and building connections.

Connection, in my opinion, is the most vital aspect of our human experience.

Most of you who have journeyed here, may not have ever encountered me personally. Yet still, my intention is for you to leave feeling that you have grown closer & connected with me in some way. Whether you are stopping by, booking a service, or supporting by purchasing a product, it is important to me that you gain an understanding not only of what you are investing in, but who has placed their intention and love towards you and your healing.

We are all born with innate gifts




“Birth is scared & should be navigated with intention.”

Holistic Birthwork

Since the age of 5, i’ve known that birthwork was my calling. I’ve spent the majority of my 27 years navigating birth spaces both intuitively and professionally as a doula. Regardless of where my journey has lead me, i’ve always met birthwork and community on that path. You can learn more about how to work with me for doula support, prenatal wellness, and perinatal education below.

“Using earth’s resources for healing is a form of alchemy”

Medicine Wombman

Growing up, I don’t remember neither my grandma or my mother using “pharmaceutical medicine” to heal us. Plants were the answers in our household. My entire upbringing is filled with memories of my mother making herbal remedies, witnessing alchemy right before my eyes. The remedies and guidance on plant medicine I received from my elders is what I use to now share with my community. All products are handmade, with 3 core foundations I pour into everything I touch…

Love, Energy, & Intention.

“Our experiences shape our reality, so let’s change how we see the world”

Wellness Experiences & Retreats

We sometimes underestimate the value of an experience. Many times experiences happen to us, rarely are we intentionally curating moments to shape our reality. This section is dedicated to sharing more opportunities with my community to cultivate wellness and healing in your reality.

Join me for an upcoming wellness experiences and retreats!